My love for Kamala

Wow! What a start to 2018. After setting up Flourish last year, since rebranded to Kamala, things seemed to stagnate a bit, but I went with it, trusting that everything would come together, and they sure have! 

The rebrand to Kamala feels so right, and I'm so in love with it. I stumbled across this word not long after I made the decision to rebrand, and it immediately resonated with me.

'Kamala' is Sanskrit for Lotus, and the Lotus has such a beautiful meaning..."Throughout time the lotus flower has been a powerful spiritual symbol. A lotus has its roots in mud, at the bottom of streams and ponds. But it grows to become the most beautiful flower, despite its origins. It symbolises how we too can overcome all obstacles on our journey towards enlightenment and flourish. It also represents growth and spiritual development." Love!!!

I feel so blessed that Gemma from Betley joined me to help launch Kamala with our first workshop...more on that below. Gemma is not only an amazing friend, but a generous soul who has set up Betley with a dream to provide employment for people facing mental health hurdles...read more.

I've also been busy planning the workshops for 2018, and below you can read about our February event. This week I have submitted a funding proposal for the workshops, as I aim to ensure that financial pressures are not a barrier to people engaging with Kamala. Once I hear back, I will update you, and hopefully announce the calendar of workshops for 2018.

These workshops are so important, and the foundation of Kamala, as they will help share and teach both self care techniques and ways to let go and be in the moment, particularly through creative outlets. These are two methods that have helped me manage and overcome my mental health hurdles and I'm so excited to share them and some amazing people with you. I hope you enjoy the rest of our first chit-chat, and look forward to connecting again soon.

Blessings x 


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