A new season arrives

It's been a while since I've carved out time to sit down at my keyboard and write a blog post. This is all for good reason, as I've taken the time I wanted and needed to look after our son during his first year earthside, been navigating motherhood, resting and finding my way with work in the mix as well over the last 6 months. 

Kamala has always been in the back of my mind, but I've felt no guilt over letting it sit still during this time, knowing I can pick it up again when the time is right and giving myself permission to place my focus elsewhere. 

But I now feel that time is here with a renewed energy and desire to get back to writing. So I'm going to start with sharing here and on my socials and see what resonates. Life is certainly a lot different than it was when I created Kamala, and we've all been through huge experiences and shifts over the last 18 months, so my content will no doubt reflect this. 

While I've been busy over the last 12 months, it's also been a wonderful opportunity to stop, reflect, ponder and observe. This has been very different to the prior couple of years, where I was in a season of experiencing all that I could to stretch, learn, and grow. There has still been lots of growth over the last year, but more deep subtle growth.  

At times I have felt like I should be doing more to continue my growth, but on reflection now I realise that this quiet time has been perfect and to once again let go the expectations and comparing what I am doing with others around me, as we all on our own journey. 

I look forward to being more connected with you going forward. 

Blessings x


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